Flexible concrete mats
Mikron V makes a specialty out of two main directions: services in the metalwork field and production of Universal flexible protective concrete mats (UFPCM).
The production is made as per TU 5859-001-35842586-2009, TU 5859-001-81947000-2014.
Universal flexible protective concrete mats (UFPCM) are a flexible and mobile structure, consisting of concretes blocks interconnected with a firm synthetic rope.
The versatility of UFPCM structure consists in the complete compilation of separate engineering, technical and environmental requirements, raised in technical regulations during the construction and repair of road and hydraulic objects, coast-protecting structures, laying of main pipelines, bridge construction and other fields.
It makes them popular what is confirmed by the active application. Since 1999 UFPCM and UFPCM-S are actively applied in projects of PJSC Gazprom, JSC Transneft, PJSC OC Rosneft, JSC SOC Bashneft, PJSC NOVATEK, OJSC Russian Railways, State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM, FSI for land reclamation and agricultural water supply, FRA Rosavtodor, RusHydro Group, FSUE Spetsstroy of Russia, etc.